Does Your Brand Need An Insta Fix?

Instagram is now giving social media marketers across the country a run for their money. Are you new to Instagram? Check out the infographic below to give your Instagram strategy a jump start. For all small business owners, what marketing strategies have you used on Instagram that have worked great for your company? By implementing the […]

What’s new in Facebook Marketing in 2015?

What does the new Facebook Call-to-Action button mean for your 2015 content marketing strategy? Over the next few weeks, Facebook will be gradually rolling out their new Facebook call-to-action buttons. These buttons will be located on the cover photo of your Facebook business page next to your like button. The new Facebook Call-to-Action buttons were […]

Happy New Year!

The end of the year is a time where people tend to reflect on how things have changed for them over the course of 12 months. This is a time where you start asking yourself questions like ‘what advancements did I make in my career?’ ‘What new people did I meet that now play a […]