Business owners realize how internet marketing relates to their success. Since the internet’s creation, people have been using it to find what they are looking for. Search engines help people find local businesses that suit their needs. For a start-up business, the internet is the best place to promote.
While having your own website and listing is good, people often forget a Google Business account. Most people create these accounts and then neglect them. However, the importance of your Google Business account cannot be understated.
What is A Google Business Account?
A Google Business account is a tool to help promote your business, using both Google Search or Maps. It allows you to gain insights into your business through making updates, connecting to customers, and seeing how people interact with your profile.
How to Make A Google Business Profile?
The first step to creating a Business profile, you need have a G-Mail account. To clarify, you should not use a personal email account. To create an email account for your business, you need to select To Manage My Business during account creation. After your business email is created, it is time to make a Google Business Profile. While being logged into your professional email, go to Google My Business and select Manage Now. Once you verify you own the business, you will have Google Business Profile that can control and edit.
Why is Your Google Business Account Important?

But what is the importance of your Google Business account? While explaining what the Business Account is and how to make one, the question was not answer. Well, let’s discuss. Although people create their Business Accounts, they tend to neglect these listings. However, these listings offer advantages if you are managing them.
SERP Potential
First of all, a free Google Business Profile is SERP real estate. However, just having a profile page is not enough. On Google, the listing’s quality affects its ranking. Without a Google Business account, a profile cannot go through optimization. Meaning the exist of this profile means nothing. However, with a Business account, you can improve the quality through keywords and additions. Another reason to optimize your Business Profile is your competitors. When you only have a profile, you are losing out to competitors that have better profiles. After all, a business that looks cared for attracts more customers. The ability to edit your listing allows you to go head-to-head with your rivals.
Prevent Losing Reputation and Customers
Constant updates and interactions are important factors in business success. A Google Business account allows you to edit the information on your Profile listing. Having control of the information on profiles is vital because incorrect information can deter customers. In addition, an account allows you to access and respond to reviews. Reviews contribute to your ranking. However, its influences customers’ decisions. After all, reviews help people chose where to shop.
Signing up for a Google Business account will lead to overall success online. However, it is important to keep track of your login and passwords. Saving this information will prevent stress when you forget them.
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