SEO is not dead article has good point

I thought this article was pretty good and has a couple points that are worth repeating.  There are a few more points that could be make (primarily to do with the relative power of unique content building). Also, we could add more detail on social media and networking as it relates to search engine optimization, […]

Website Colors

VR Metro YouTube Channel

In the early days of the internet, monitors were very limited to the number of colors they could display. Today, millions of colors can be displayed in their hi def glory. So, when designing websites, why do a majority of clients always pick the same color? Blue!

Dynamic To Top Plugin

You ever read a really long web page or a blog, and have to scroll all the way back up to the top to see the one thing you missed? A really long page can scare off readers from time to time, so to make it more convenient on them, I would like to offer […]