Content Management Systems Websites Michigan

Content Management Systems WordPress

Content Management System Web Sites also known as CMS web sites is a CMS designed web site to simplify the publication of web content to web sites and mobile devices. Furthermore, allowing content creators to submit content without requiring technical knowledge of HTML. Content Management System (CMS) allows individuals or companies to expand and edit their website with out any programming knowledge. Build your own pages, add and upload your own images or pdf files, make changes to your website that can cost you hundreds of dollars for a programmer to do at no cost you you or your company.

Quick Changes – Need a quick fix or change to your website? With a cms website, you can have it done in seconds versus waiting hours or days for your website developer.

Popular Content Management Systems

Two of the most popular CMS are WordPress and Joomla. Also another popular system is Drupal, but it lacks behind the other two. WordPress is definitely the largest install base of all the CMS. In addition, WordPress has become the industry standard for a content management system. Why it has taken off so well is WordPress overall easy interface. We always inform our client that if they can handle Microsoft Word, they most likely can handle WordPress.

Like any new software it does have a learning curve, but with practice you will see it is pretty easy to grasp. The only downside you can find is with the security of the software. But if you stay on top of updates and have a professional development team like VR Metro, it should not be a problem.

VR Metro – Web design and web promotion Michigan can show you several of cms website’s that we have built and promoted. Our CMS website’s also comes with free training so you will feel comfortable managing and maintaining your own website.

Let VR Metro give you a free quote on converting your existing website into a content management system or give you a free quote on a new content management system. Please call us Toll Free at 1-800-473-5530 or use our FREE Online Quote Form.