--"; for($i=$minYear; $i<$maxYear; $i++) { $output .= ""; } return($output); } function printMonthDropdown($sel='') { $output = ""; for($i=1; $i<13; $i++) { if($i<10) $value = "0" . $i; else $value = $i; $output .= ""; } return($output); } ?> 'AFG', 'AL' => 'ALB', 'DZ' => 'DZA', 'AS' => 'ASM', 'AD' => 'AND', 'AO' => 'AGO', 'AI' => 'AIA', 'AQ' => 'ATA', 'AG' => 'ATG', 'AR' => 'ARG', 'AM' => 'ARM', 'AW' => 'ABW', 'AU' => 'AUS', 'AT' => 'AUT', 'AZ' => 'AZE', 'BS' => 'BHS', 'BH' => 'BHR', 'BD' => 'BGD', 'BB' => 'BRB', 'BY' => 'BLR', 'BE' => 'BEL', 'BZ' => 'BLZ', 'BJ' => 'BEN', 'BM' => 'BMU', 'BT' => 'BTN', 'BO' => 'BOL', 'BA' => 'BIH', 'BW' => 'BWA', 'BV' => 'BVT', 'BR' => 'BRA', 'IO' => 'IOT', 'VG' => 'VGB', 'BN' => 'BRN', 'BG' => 'BGR', 'BF' => 'BFA', 'BI' => 'BDI', 'KH' => 'KHM', 'CM' => 'CMR', 'CA' => 'CAN', 'CV' => 'CPV', 'KY' => 'CYM', 'CF' => 'CAF', 'TD' => 'TCD', 'CL' => 'CHL', 'CN' => 'CHN', 'CX' => 'CXR', 'CC' => 'CCK', 'CO' => 'COL', 'KM' => 'COM', 'CD' => 'COD', 'CG' => 'COG', 'CK' => 'COK', 'CR' => 'CRI', 'CI' => 'CIV', 'CU' => 'CUB', 'CY' => 'CYP', 'CZ' => 'CZE', 'DK' => 'DNK', 'DJ' => 'DJI', 'DM' => 'DMA', 'DO' => 'DOM', 'TL' => 'TLS', 'EC' => 'ECU', 'EG' => 'EGY', 'SV' => 'SLV', 'GQ' => 'GNQ', 'ER' => 'ERI', 'EE' => 'EST', 'ET' => 'ETH', 'FO' => 'FRO', 'FK' => 'FLK', 'FJ' => 'FJI', 'FI' => 'FIN', 'FR' => 'FRA', 'GF' => 'GUF', 'PF' => 'PYF', 'TF' => 'ATF', 'GA' => 'GAB', 'GM' => 'GMB', 'GE' => 'GEO', 'DE' => 'DEU', 'GH' => 'GHA', 'GI' => 'GIB', 'GR' => 'GRC', 'GL' => 'GRL', 'GD' => 'GRD', 'GP' => 'GLP', 'GU' => 'GUM', 'GT' => 'GTM', 'GN' => 'GIN', 'GW' => 'GNB', 'GY' => 'GUY', 'HT' => 'HTI', 'HM' => 'HMD', 'VA' => 'VAT', 'HN' => 'HND', 'HK' => 'HKG', 'HR' => 'HRV', 'HU' => 'HUN', 'IS' => 'ISL', 'IN' => 'IND', 'ID' => 'IDN', 'IR' => 'IRN', 'IQ' => 'IRQ', 'IE' => 'IRL', 'IL' => 'ISR', 'IT' => 'ITA', 'JM' => 'JAM', 'JP' => 'JPN', 'JO' => 'JOR', 'KZ' => 'KAZ', 'KE' => 'KEN', 'KI' => 'KIR', 'KP' => 'PRK', 'KR' => 'KOR', 'KW' => 'KWT', 'KG' => 'KGZ', 'LA' => 'LAO', 'LV' => 'LVA', 'LB' => 'LBN', 'LS' => 'LSO', 'LR' => 'LBR', 'LY' => 'LBY', 'LI' => 'LIE', 'LT' => 'LTU', 'LU' => 'LUX', 'MO' => 'MAC', 'MK' => 'MKD', 'MG' => 'MDG', 'MW' => 'MWI', 'MY' => 'MYS', 'MV' => 'MDV', 'ML' => 'MLI', 'MT' => 'MLT', 'MH' => 'MHL', 'MQ' => 'MTQ', 'MR' => 'MRT', 'MU' => 'MUS', 'YT' => 'MYT', 'MX' => 'MEX', 'FM' => 'FSM', 'MD' => 'MDA', 'MC' => 'MCO', 'MN' => 'MNG', 'MS' => 'MSR', 'MA' => 'MAR', 'MZ' => 'MOZ', 'MM' => 'MMR', 'NA' => 'NAM', 'NR' => 'NRU', 'NP' => 'NPL', 'AN' => 'ANT', 'NL' => 'NLD', 'NC' => 'NCL', 'NZ' => 'NZL', 'NI' => 'NIC', 'NE' => 'NER', 'NG' => 'NGA', 'NU' => 'NIU', 'NF' => 'NFK', 'MP' => 'MNP', 'NO' => 'NOR', 'OM' => 'OMN', 'PK' => 'PAK', 'PW' => 'PLW', 'PS' => 'PSE', 'PA' => 'PAN', 'PG' => 'PNG', 'PY' => 'PRY', 'PE' => 'PER', 'PH' => 'PHL', 'PN' => 'PCN', 'PL' => 'POL', 'PT' => 'PRT', 'PR' => 'PRI', 'QA' => 'QAT', 'RE' => 'REU', 'RO' => 'ROU', 'RU' => 'RUS', 'RW' => 'RWA', 'SH' => 'SHN', 'KN' => 'KNA', 'LC' => 'LCA', 'PM' => 'SPM', 'VC' => 'VCT', 'WS' => 'WSM', 'SM' => 'SMR', 'ST' => 'STP', 'SA' => 'SAU', 'SN' => 'SEN', 'SC' => 'SYC', 'SL' => 'SLE', 'SG' => 'SGP', 'SK' => 'SVK', 'SI' => 'SVN', 'SB' => 'SLB', 'SO' => 'SOM', 'ZA' => 'ZAF', 'GS' => 'SGS', 'ES' => 'ESP', 'LK' => 'LKA', 'SD' => 'SDN', 'SR' => 'SUR', 'SJ' => 'SJM', 'SZ' => 'SWZ', 'SE' => 'SWE', 'CH' => 'CHE', 'SY' => 'SYR', 'TW' => 'TWN', 'TJ' => 'TJK', 'TZ' => 'TZA', 'TH' => 'THA', 'TG' => 'TGO', 'TK' => 'TKL', 'TO' => 'TON', 'TT' => 'TTO', 'TN' => 'TUN', 'TR' => 'TUR', 'TM' => 'TKM', 'TC' => 'TCA', 'TV' => 'TUV', 'VI' => 'VIR', 'UG' => 'UGA', 'UA' => 'UKR', 'AE' => 'ARE', 'GB' => 'GBR', 'UM' => 'UMI', 'US' => 'USA', 'UY' => 'URY', 'UZ' => 'UZB', 'VU' => 'VUT', 'VE' => 'VEN', 'VN' => 'VNM', 'WF' => 'WLF', 'EH' => 'ESH', 'YE' => 'YEM', 'YU' => 'YUG', 'ZM' => 'ZMB', 'ZW' => 'ZWE' ); $ISO3166TwoToName = array( 'US' => 'United States of America', 'AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'AL' => 'Albania, People\'s Socialist Republic of', 'DZ' => 'Algeria, People\'s Democratic Republic of', 'AS' => 'American Samoa', 'AD' => 'Andorra, Principality of', 'AO' => 'Angola, Republic of', 'AI' => 'Anguilla', 'AQ' => 'Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)', 'AG' => 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'AR' => 'Argentina, Argentine Republic', 'AM' => 'Armenia', 'AW' => 'Aruba', 'AU' => 'Australia, Commonwealth of', 'AT' => 'Austria, Republic of', 'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan, Republic of', 'BS' => 'Bahamas, Commonwealth of the', 'BH' => 'Bahrain, Kingdom of', 'BD' => 'Bangladesh, People\'s Republic of', 'BB' => 'Barbados', 'BY' => 'Belarus', 'BE' => 'Belgium, Kingdom of', 'BZ' => 'Belize', 'BJ' => 'Benin, People\'s Republic of', 'BM' => 'Bermuda', 'BT' => 'Bhutan, Kingdom of', 'BO' => 'Bolivia, Republic of', 'BA' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BW' => 'Botswana, Republic of', 'BV' => 'Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya)', 'BR' => 'Brazil, Federative Republic of', 'IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)', 'VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'BN' => 'Brunei Darussalam', 'BG' => 'Bulgaria, People\'s Republic of', 'BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'BI' => 'Burundi, Republic of', 'KH' => 'Cambodia, Kingdom of', 'CM' => 'Cameroon, United Republic of', 'CA' => 'Canada', 'CV' => 'Cape Verde, Republic of', 'KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'TD' => 'Chad, Republic of', 'CL' => 'Chile, Republic of', 'CN' => 'China, People\'s Republic of', 'CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'CO' => 'Colombia, Republic of', 'KM' => 'Comoros, Federal and Islamic Republic of', 'CD' => 'Congo, Democratic Republic of', 'CG' => 'Congo, People\'s Republic of', 'CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'CR' => 'Costa Rica, Republic of', 'CI' => 'Cote D\'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the', 'CU' => 'Cuba, Republic of', 'CY' => 'Cyprus, Republic of', 'CZ' => 'Czech Republic', 'DK' => 'Denmark, Kingdom of', 'DJ' => 'Djibouti, Republic of', 'DM' => 'Dominica, Commonwealth of', 'DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'EC' => 'Ecuador, Republic of', 'EG' => 'Egypt, Arab Republic of', 'SV' => 'El Salvador, Republic of', 'GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea, Republic of', 'ER' => 'Eritrea', 'EE' => 'Estonia', 'ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'FO' => 'Faeroe Islands', 'FK' => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', 'FJ' => 'Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands', 'FI' => 'Finland, Republic of', 'FR' => 'France, French Republic', 'GF' => 'French Guiana', 'PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'GA' => 'Gabon, Gabonese Republic', 'GM' => 'Gambia, Republic of the', 'GE' => 'Georgia', 'DE' => 'Germany', 'GH' => 'Ghana, Republic of', 'GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'GR' => 'Greece, Hellenic Republic', 'GL' => 'Greenland', 'GD' => 'Grenada', 'GP' => 'Guadaloupe', 'GU' => 'Guam', 'GT' => 'Guatemala, Republic of', 'GN' => 'Guinea, Revolutionary People\'s Rep\'c of', 'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau, Republic of', 'GY' => 'Guyana, Republic of', 'HT' => 'Haiti, Republic of', 'HM' => 'Heard and McDonald Islands', 'VA' => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', 'HN' => 'Honduras, Republic of', 'HK' => 'Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China', 'HR' => 'Hrvatska (Croatia)', 'HU' => 'Hungary, Hungarian People\'s Republic', 'IS' => 'Iceland, Republic of', 'IN' => 'India, Republic of', 'ID' => 'Indonesia, Republic of', 'IR' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', 'IQ' => 'Iraq, Republic of', 'IE' => 'Ireland', 'IL' => 'Israel, State of', 'IT' => 'Italy, Italian Republic', 'JM' => 'Jamaica', 'JP' => 'Japan', 'JO' => 'Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of', 'KZ' => 'Kazakhstan, Republic of', 'KE' => 'Kenya, Republic of', 'KI' => 'Kiribati, Republic of', 'KP' => 'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of', 'KR' => 'Korea, Republic of', 'KW' => 'Kuwait, State of', 'KG' => 'Kyrgyz Republic', 'LA' => 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic', 'LV' => 'Latvia', 'LB' => 'Lebanon, Lebanese Republic', 'LS' => 'Lesotho, Kingdom of', 'LR' => 'Liberia, Republic of', 'LY' => 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', 'LI' => 'Liechtenstein, Principality of', 'LT' => 'Lithuania', 'LU' => 'Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of', 'MO' => 'Macao, Special Administrative Region of China', 'MK' => 'Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of', 'MG' => 'Madagascar, Republic of', 'MW' => 'Malawi, Republic of', 'MY' => 'Malaysia', 'MV' => 'Maldives, Republic of', 'ML' => 'Mali, Republic of', 'MT' => 'Malta, Republic of', 'MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'MQ' => 'Martinique', 'MR' => 'Mauritania, Islamic Republic of', 'MU' => 'Mauritius', 'YT' => 'Mayotte', 'MX' => 'Mexico, United Mexican States', 'FM' => 'Micronesia, Federated States of', 'MD' => 'Moldova, Republic of', 'MC' => 'Monaco, Principality of', 'MN' => 'Mongolia, Mongolian People\'s Republic', 'MS' => 'Montserrat', 'MA' => 'Morocco, Kingdom of', 'MZ' => 'Mozambique, People\'s Republic of', 'MM' => 'Myanmar', 'NA' => 'Namibia', 'NR' => 'Nauru, Republic of', 'NP' => 'Nepal, Kingdom of', 'AN' => 'Netherlands Antilles', 'NL' => 'Netherlands, Kingdom of the', 'NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'NI' => 'Nicaragua, Republic of', 'NE' => 'Niger, Republic of the', 'NG' => 'Nigeria, Federal Republic of', 'NU' => 'Niue, Republic of', 'NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'NO' => 'Norway, Kingdom of', 'OM' => 'Oman, Sultanate of', 'PK' => 'Pakistan, Islamic Republic of', 'PW' => 'Palau', 'PS' => 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied', 'PA' => 'Panama, Republic of', 'PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'PY' => 'Paraguay, Republic of', 'PE' => 'Peru, Republic of', 'PH' => 'Philippines, Republic of the', 'PN' => 'Pitcairn Island', 'PL' => 'Poland, Polish People\'s Republic', 'PT' => 'Portugal, Portuguese Republic', 'PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'QA' => 'Qatar, State of', 'RE' => 'Reunion', 'RO' => 'Romania, Socialist Republic of', 'RU' => 'Russian Federation', 'RW' => 'Rwanda, Rwandese Republic', 'SH' => 'St. Helena', 'KN' => 'St. Kitts and Nevis', 'LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'PM' => 'St. Pierre and Miquelon', 'VC' => 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines', 'WS' => 'Samoa, Independent State of', 'SM' => 'San Marino, Republic of', 'ST' => 'Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of', 'SA' => 'Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of', 'SN' => 'Senegal, Republic of', 'SC' => 'Seychelles, Republic of', 'SL' => 'Sierra Leone, Republic of', 'SG' => 'Singapore, Republic of', 'SK' => 'Slovakia (Slovak Republic)', 'SI' => 'Slovenia', 'SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'SO' => 'Somalia, Somali Republic', 'ZA' => 'South Africa, Republic of', 'GS' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'ES' => 'Spain, Spanish State', 'LK' => 'Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of', 'SD' => 'Sudan, Democratic Republic of the', 'SR' => 'Suriname, Republic of', 'SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands', 'SZ' => 'Swaziland, Kingdom of', 'SE' => 'Sweden, Kingdom of', 'CH' => 'Switzerland, Swiss Confederation', 'SY' => 'Syrian Arab Republic', 'TW' => 'Taiwan, Province of China', 'TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'TZ' => 'Tanzania, United Republic of', 'TH' => 'Thailand, Kingdom of', 'TG' => 'Togo, Togolese Republic', 'TK' => 'Tokelau (Tokelau Islands)', 'TO' => 'Tonga, Kingdom of', 'TT' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of', 'TN' => 'Tunisia, Republic of', 'TR' => 'Turkey, Republic of', 'TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'TC' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'VI' => 'US Virgin Islands', 'UG' => 'Uganda, Republic of', 'UA' => 'Ukraine', 'AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'UM' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', 'UY' => 'Uruguay, Eastern Republic of', 'UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'VE' => 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of', 'VN' => 'Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of', 'WF' => 'Wallis and Futuna Islands', 'EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'YE' => 'Yemen', 'YU' => 'Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of', 'ZM' => 'Zambia, Republic of', 'ZW' => 'Zimbabwe' ); $ISO3166NameToTwo = array( "United States of America" => "US", "United States" => "US", "Afghanistan" => "AF", "Albania, People's Socialist Republic of" => "AL", "Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of" => "DZ", "American Samoa" => "AS", "Andorra, Principality of" => "AD", "Angola, Republic of" => "AO", "Anguilla" => "AI", "Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)" => "AQ", "Antigua and Barbuda" => "AG", "Argentina, Argentine Republic" => "AR", "Armenia" => "AM", "Aruba" => "AW", "Australia, Commonwealth of" => "AU", "Austria, Republic of" => "AT", "Azerbaijan, Republic of" => "AZ", "Bahamas, Commonwealth of the" => "BS", "Bahrain, Kingdom of" => "BH", "Bangladesh, People's Republic of" => "BD", "Barbados" => "BB", "Belarus" => "BY", "Belgium, Kingdom of" => "BE", "Belize" => "BZ", "Benin, People's Republic of" => "BJ", "Bermuda" => "BM", "Bhutan, Kingdom of" => "BT", "Bolivia, Republic of" => "BO", "Bosnia and Herzegovina" => "BA", "Botswana, Republic of" => "BW", "Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya)" => "BV", "Brazil, Federative Republic of" => "BR", "British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)" => "IO", "British Virgin Islands" => "VG", "Brunei Darussalam" => "BN", "Bulgaria, People's Republic of" => "BG", "Burkina Faso" => "BF", "Burundi, Republic of" => "BI", "Cambodia, Kingdom of" => "KH", "Cameroon, United Republic of" => "CM", "Canada" => "CA", "Cape Verde, Republic of" => "CV", "Cayman Islands" => "KY", "Central African Republic" => "CF", "Chad, Republic of" => "TD", "Chile, Republic of" => "CL", "China, People's Republic of" => "CN", "Christmas Island" => "CX", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" => "CC", "Colombia, Republic of" => "CO", "Comoros, Federal and Islamic Republic of" => "KM", "Congo, Democratic Republic of" => "CD", "Congo, People's Republic of" => "CG", "Cook Islands" => "CK", "Costa Rica, Republic of" => "CR", "Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the" => "CI", "Cuba, Republic of" => "CU", "Cyprus, Republic of" => "CY", "Czech Republic" => "CZ", "Denmark, Kingdom of" => "DK", "Djibouti, Republic of" => "DJ", "Dominica, Commonwealth of" => "DM", "Dominican Republic" => "DO", "Timor-Leste" => "TL", "Ecuador, Republic of" => "EC", "Egypt, Arab Republic of" => "EG", "El Salvador, Republic of" => "SV", "Equatorial Guinea, Republic of" => "GQ", "Eritrea" => "ER", "Estonia" => "EE", "Ethiopia" => "ET", "Faeroe Islands" => "FO", "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" => "FK", "Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands" => "FJ", "Finland, Republic of" => "FI", "France, French Republic" => "FR", "French Guiana" => "GF", "French Polynesia" => "PF", "French Southern Territories" => "TF", "Gabon, Gabonese Republic" => "GA", "Gambia, Republic of the" => "GM", "Georgia" => "GE", "Germany" => "DE", "Ghana, Republic of" => "GH", "Gibraltar" => "GI", "Greece, Hellenic Republic" => "GR", "Greenland" => "GL", "Grenada" => "GD", "Guadaloupe" => "GP", "Guam" => "GU", "Guatemala, Republic of" => "GT", "Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of" => "GN", "Guinea-Bissau, Republic of" => "GW", "Guyana, Republic of" => "GY", "Haiti, Republic of" => "HT", "Heard and McDonald Islands" => "HM", "Holy See (Vatican City State)" => "VA", "Honduras, Republic of" => "HN", "Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China" => "HK", "Hrvatska (Croatia)" => "HR", "Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic" => "HU", "Iceland, Republic of" => "IS", "India, Republic of" => "IN", "Indonesia, Republic of" => "ID", "Iran, Islamic Republic of" => "IR", "Iraq, Republic of" => "IQ", "Ireland" => "IE", "Israel, State of" => "IL", "Italy, Italian Republic" => "IT", "Jamaica" => "JM", "Japan" => "JP", "Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of" => "JO", "Kazakhstan, Republic of" => "KZ", "Kenya, Republic of" => "KE", "Kiribati, Republic of" => "KI", "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" => "KP", "Korea, Republic of" => "KR", "Kuwait, State of" => "KW", "Kyrgyz Republic" => "KG", "Lao People's Democratic Republic" => "LA", "Latvia" => "LV", "Lebanon, Lebanese Republic" => "LB", "Lesotho, Kingdom of" => "LS", "Liberia, Republic of" => "LR", "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" => "LY", "Liechtenstein, Principality of" => "LI", "Lithuania" => "LT", "Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of" => "LU", "Macao, Special Administrative Region of China" => "MO", "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of" => "MK", "Madagascar, Republic of" => "MG", "Malawi, Republic of" => "MW", "Malaysia" => "MY", "Maldives, Republic of" => "MV", "Mali, Republic of" => "ML", "Malta, Republic of" => "MT", "Marshall Islands" => "MH", "Martinique" => "MQ", "Mauritania, Islamic Republic of" => "MR", "Mauritius" => "MU", "Mayotte" => "YT", "Mexico, United Mexican States" => "MX", "Micronesia, Federated States of" => "FM", "Moldova, Republic of" => "MD", "Monaco, Principality of" => "MC", "Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic" => "MN", "Montserrat" => "MS", "Morocco, Kingdom of" => "MA", "Mozambique, People's Republic of" => "MZ", "Myanmar" => "MM", "Namibia" => "NA", "Nauru, Republic of" => "NR", "Nepal, Kingdom of" => "NP", "Netherlands Antilles" => "AN", "Netherlands, Kingdom of the" => "NL", "New Caledonia" => "NC", "New Zealand" => "NZ", "Nicaragua, Republic of" => "NI", "Niger, Republic of the" => "NE", "Nigeria, Federal Republic of" => "NG", "Niue, Republic of" => "NU", "Norfolk Island" => "NF", "Northern Mariana Islands" => "MP", "Norway, Kingdom of" => "NO", "Oman, Sultanate of" => "OM", "Pakistan, Islamic Republic of" => "PK", "Palau" => "PW", "Palestinian Territory, Occupied" => "PS", "Panama, Republic of" => "PA", "Papua New Guinea" => "PG", "Paraguay, Republic of" => "PY", "Peru, Republic of" => "PE", "Philippines, Republic of the" => "PH", "Pitcairn Island" => "PN", "Poland, Polish People's Republic" => "PL", "Portugal, Portuguese Republic" => "PT", "Puerto Rico" => "PR", "Qatar, State of" => "QA", "Reunion" => "RE", "Romania, Socialist Republic of" => "RO", "Russian Federation" => "RU", "Rwanda, Rwandese Republic" => "RW", "St. Helena" => "SH", "St. Kitts and Nevis" => "KN", "St. Lucia" => "LC", "St. Pierre and Miquelon" => "PM", "St. Vincent and the Grenadines" => "VC", "Samoa, Independent State of" => "WS", "San Marino, Republic of" => "SM", "Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of" => "ST", "Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of" => "SA", "Senegal, Republic of" => "SN", "Seychelles, Republic of" => "SC", "Sierra Leone, Republic of" => "SL", "Singapore, Republic of" => "SG", "Slovakia (Slovak Republic)" => "SK", "Slovenia" => "SI", "Solomon Islands" => "SB", "Somalia, Somali Republic" => "SO", "South Africa, Republic of" => "ZA", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" => "GS", "Spain, Spanish State" => "ES", "Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of" => "LK", "Sudan, Democratic Republic of the" => "SD", "Suriname, Republic of" => "SR", "Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands" => "SJ", "Swaziland, Kingdom of" => "SZ", "Sweden, Kingdom of" => "SE", "Switzerland, Swiss Confederation" => "CH", "Syrian Arab Republic" => "SY", "Taiwan, Province of China" => "TW", "Tajikistan" => "TJ", "Tanzania, United Republic of" => "TZ", "Thailand, Kingdom of" => "TH", "Togo, Togolese Republic" => "TG", "Tokelau (Tokelau Islands)" => "TK", "Tonga, Kingdom of" => "TO", "Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of" => "TT", "Tunisia, Republic of" => "TN", "Turkey, Republic of" => "TR", "Turkmenistan" => "TM", "Turks and Caicos Islands" => "TC", "Tuvalu" => "TV", "US Virgin Islands" => "VI", "Uganda, Republic of" => "UG", "Ukraine" => "UA", "United Arab Emirates" => "AE", "United Kingdom" => "GB", "United States Minor Outlying Islands" => "UM", "Uruguay, Eastern Republic of" => "UY", "Uzbekistan" => "UZ", "Vanuatu" => "VU", "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of" => "VE", "Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of" => "VN", "Wallis and Futuna Islands" => "WF", "Western Sahara" => "EH", "Yemen" => "YE", "Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of" => "YU", "Zambia, Republic of" => "ZM", "Zimbabwe" => "ZW" ); $ISO3166TwoToNumber = array( 'AF' => '004', 'AL' => '008', 'DZ' => '012', 'AS' => '016', 'AD' => '020', 'AO' => '024', 'AI' => '660', 'AQ' => '010', 'AG' => '028', 'AR' => '032', 'AM' => '051', 'AW' => '533', 'AU' => '036', 'AT' => '040', 'AZ' => '031', 'BS' => '044', 'BH' => '048', 'BD' => '050', 'BB' => '052', 'BY' => '112', 'BE' => '056', 'BZ' => '084', 'BJ' => '204', 'BM' => '060', 'BT' => '064', 'BO' => '068', 'BA' => '070', 'BW' => '072', 'BV' => '074', 'BR' => '076', 'IO' => '086', 'VG' => '092', 'BN' => '096', 'BG' => '100', 'BF' => '854', 'BI' => '108', 'KH' => '116', 'CM' => '120', 'CA' => '124', 'CV' => '132', 'KY' => '136', 'CF' => '140', 'TD' => '148', 'CL' => '152', 'CN' => '156', 'CX' => '162', 'CC' => '166', 'CO' => '170', 'KM' => '174', 'CD' => '180', 'CG' => '178', 'CK' => '184', 'CR' => '188', 'CI' => '384', 'CU' => '192', 'CY' => '196', 'CZ' => '203', 'DK' => '208', 'DJ' => '262', 'DM' => '212', 'DO' => '214', 'TL' => '626', 'EC' => '218', 'EG' => '818', 'SV' => '222', 'GQ' => '226', 'ER' => '232', 'EE' => '233', 'ET' => '231', 'FO' => '234', 'FK' => '238', 'FJ' => '242', 'FI' => '246', 'FR' => '250', 'GF' => '254', 'PF' => '258', 'TF' => '260', 'GA' => '266', 'GM' => '270', 'GE' => '268', 'DE' => '276', 'GH' => '288', 'GI' => '292', 'GR' => '300', 'GL' => '304', 'GD' => '308', 'GP' => '312', 'GU' => '316', 'GT' => '320', 'GN' => '324', 'GW' => '624', 'GY' => '328', 'HT' => '332', 'HM' => '334', 'VA' => '336', 'HN' => '340', 'HK' => '344', 'HR' => '191', 'HU' => '348', 'IS' => '352', 'IN' => '356', 'ID' => '360', 'IR' => '364', 'IQ' => '368', 'IE' => '372', 'IL' => '376', 'IT' => '380', 'JM' => '388', 'JP' => '392', 'JO' => '400', 'KZ' => '398', 'KE' => '404', 'KI' => '296', 'KP' => '408', 'KR' => '410', 'KW' => '414', 'KG' => '417', 'LA' => '418', 'LV' => '428', 'LB' => '422', 'LS' => '426', 'LR' => '430', 'LY' => '434', 'LI' => '438', 'LT' => '440', 'LU' => '442', 'MO' => '446', 'MK' => '807', 'MG' => '450', 'MW' => '454', 'MY' => '458', 'MV' => '462', 'ML' => '466', 'MT' => '470', 'MH' => '584', 'MQ' => '474', 'MR' => '478', 'MU' => '480', 'YT' => '175', 'MX' => '484', 'FM' => '583', 'MD' => '498', 'MC' => '492', 'MN' => '496', 'MS' => '500', 'MA' => '504', 'MZ' => '508', 'MM' => '104', 'NA' => '516', 'NR' => '520', 'NP' => '524', 'AN' => '530', 'NL' => '528', 'NC' => '540', 'NZ' => '554', 'NI' => '558', 'NE' => '562', 'NG' => '566', 'NU' => '570', 'NF' => '574', 'MP' => '580', 'NO' => '578', 'OM' => '512', 'PK' => '586', 'PW' => '585', 'PS' => '275', 'PA' => '591', 'PG' => '598', 'PY' => '600', 'PE' => '604', 'PH' => '608', 'PN' => '612', 'PL' => '616', 'PT' => '620', 'PR' => '630', 'QA' => '634', 'RE' => '638', 'RO' => '642', 'RU' => '643', 'RW' => '646', 'SH' => '654', 'KN' => '659', 'LC' => '662', 'PM' => '666', 'VC' => '670', 'WS' => '882', 'SM' => '674', 'ST' => '678', 'SA' => '682', 'SN' => '686', 'SC' => '690', 'SL' => '694', 'SG' => '702', 'SK' => '703', 'SI' => '705', 'SB' => '090', 'SO' => '706', 'ZA' => '710', 'GS' => '239', 'ES' => '724', 'LK' => '144', 'SD' => '736', 'SR' => '740', 'SJ' => '744', 'SZ' => '748', 'SE' => '752', 'CH' => '756', 'SY' => '760', 'TW' => '158', 'TJ' => '762', 'TZ' => '834', 'TH' => '764', 'TG' => '768', 'TK' => '772', 'TO' => '776', 'TT' => '780', 'TN' => '788', 'TR' => '792', 'TM' => '795', 'TC' => '796', 'TV' => '798', 'VI' => '850', 'UG' => '800', 'UA' => '804', 'AE' => '784', 'GB' => '826', 'UM' => '581', 'US' => '840', 'UY' => '858', 'UZ' => '860', 'VU' => '548', 'VE' => '862', 'VN' => '704', 'WF' => '876', 'EH' => '732', 'YE' => '887', 'YU' => '891', 'ZM' => '894', 'ZW' => '716' ); $ISO3166NumberToTwo = array( '004' => 'AF', '008' => 'AL', '012' => 'DZ', '016' => 'AS', '020' => 'AD', '024' => 'AO', '660' => 'AI', '010' => 'AQ', '028' => 'AG', '032' => 'AR', '051' => 'AM', '533' => 'AW', '036' => 'AU', '040' => 'AT', '031' => 'AZ', '044' => 'BS', '048' => 'BH', '050' => 'BD', '052' => 'BB', '112' => 'BY', '056' => 'BE', '084' => 'BZ', '204' => 'BJ', '060' => 'BM', '064' => 'BT', '068' => 'BO', '070' => 'BA', '072' => 'BW', '074' => 'BV', '076' => 'BR', '086' => 'IO', '092' => 'VG', '096' => 'BN', '100' => 'BG', '854' => 'BF', '108' => 'BI', '116' => 'KH', '120' => 'CM', '124' => 'CA', '132' => 'CV', '136' => 'KY', '140' => 'CF', '148' => 'TD', '152' => 'CL', '156' => 'CN', '162' => 'CX', '166' => 'CC', '170' => 'CO', '174' => 'KM', '180' => 'CD', '178' => 'CG', '184' => 'CK', '188' => 'CR', '384' => 'CI', '192' => 'CU', '196' => 'CY', '203' => 'CZ', '208' => 'DK', '262' => 'DJ', '212' => 'DM', '214' => 'DO', '626' => 'TL', '218' => 'EC', '818' => 'EG', '222' => 'SV', '226' => 'GQ', '232' => 'ER', '233' => 'EE', '231' => 'ET', '234' => 'FO', '238' => 'FK', '242' => 'FJ', '246' => 'FI', '250' => 'FR', '254' => 'GF', '258' => 'PF', '260' => 'TF', '266' => 'GA', '270' => 'GM', '268' => 'GE', '276' => 'DE', '288' => 'GH', '292' => 'GI', '300' => 'GR', '304' => 'GL', '308' => 'GD', '312' => 'GP', '316' => 'GU', '320' => 'GT', '324' => 'GN', '624' => 'GW', '328' => 'GY', '332' => 'HT', '334' => 'HM', '336' => 'VA', '340' => 'HN', '344' => 'HK', '191' => 'HR', '348' => 'HU', '352' => 'IS', '356' => 'IN', '360' => 'ID', '364' => 'IR', '368' => 'IQ', '372' => 'IE', '376' => 'IL', '380' => 'IT', '388' => 'JM', '392' => 'JP', '400' => 'JO', '398' => 'KZ', '404' => 'KE', '296' => 'KI', '408' => 'KP', '410' => 'KR', '414' => 'KW', '417' => 'KG', '418' => 'LA', '428' => 'LV', '422' => 'LB', '426' => 'LS', '430' => 'LR', '434' => 'LY', '438' => 'LI', '440' => 'LT', '442' => 'LU', '446' => 'MO', '807' => 'MK', '450' => 'MG', '454' => 'MW', '458' => 'MY', '462' => 'MV', '466' => 'ML', '470' => 'MT', '584' => 'MH', '474' => 'MQ', '478' => 'MR', '480' => 'MU', '175' => 'YT', '484' => 'MX', '583' => 'FM', '498' => 'MD', '492' => 'MC', '496' => 'MN', '500' => 'MS', '504' => 'MA', '508' => 'MZ', '104' => 'MM', '516' => 'NA', '520' => 'NR', '524' => 'NP', '530' => 'AN', '528' => 'NL', '540' => 'NC', '554' => 'NZ', '558' => 'NI', '562' => 'NE', '566' => 'NG', '570' => 'NU', '574' => 'NF', '580' => 'MP', '578' => 'NO', '512' => 'OM', '586' => 'PK', '585' => 'PW', '275' => 'PS', '591' => 'PA', '598' => 'PG', '600' => 'PY', '604' => 'PE', '608' => 'PH', '612' => 'PN', '616' => 'PL', '620' => 'PT', '630' => 'PR', '634' => 'QA', '638' => 'RE', '642' => 'RO', '643' => 'RU', '646' => 'RW', '654' => 'SH', '659' => 'KN', '662' => 'LC', '666' => 'PM', '670' => 'VC', '882' => 'WS', '674' => 'SM', '678' => 'ST', '682' => 'SA', '686' => 'SN', '690' => 'SC', '694' => 'SL', '702' => 'SG', '703' => 'SK', '705' => 'SI', '090' => 'SB', '706' => 'SO', '710' => 'ZA', '239' => 'GS', '724' => 'ES', '144' => 'LK', '736' => 'SD', '740' => 'SR', '744' => 'SJ', '748' => 'SZ', '752' => 'SE', '756' => 'CH', '760' => 'SY', '158' => 'TW', '762' => 'TJ', '834' => 'TZ', '764' => 'TH', '768' => 'TG', '772' => 'TK', '776' => 'TO', '780' => 'TT', '788' => 'TN', '792' => 'TR', '795' => 'TM', '796' => 'TC', '798' => 'TV', '850' => 'VI', '800' => 'UG', '804' => 'UA', '784' => 'AE', '826' => 'GB', '581' => 'UM', '840' => 'US', '858' => 'UY', '860' => 'UZ', '548' => 'VU', '862' => 'VE', '704' => 'VN', '876' => 'WF', '732' => 'EH', '887' => 'YE', '891' => 'YU', '894' => 'ZM', '716' => 'ZW' ); $ISO3166ThreeToTwo = array( 'AFG' => 'AF', 'ALB' => 'AL', 'DZA' => 'DZ', 'ASM' => 'AS', 'AND' => 'AD', 'AGO' => 'AO', 'AIA' => 'AI', 'ATA' => 'AQ', 'ATG' => 'AG', 'ARG' => 'AR', 'ARM' => 'AM', 'ABW' => 'AW', 'AUS' => 'AU', 'AUT' => 'AT', 'AZE' => 'AZ', 'BHS' => 'BS', 'BHR' => 'BH', 'BGD' => 'BD', 'BRB' => 'BB', 'BLR' => 'BY', 'BEL' => 'BE', 'BLZ' => 'BZ', 'BEN' => 'BJ', 'BMU' => 'BM', 'BTN' => 'BT', 'BOL' => 'BO', 'BIH' => 'BA', 'BWA' => 'BW', 'BVT' => 'BV', 'BRA' => 'BR', 'IOT' => 'IO', 'VGB' => 'VG', 'BRN' => 'BN', 'BGR' => 'BG', 'BFA' => 'BF', 'BDI' => 'BI', 'KHM' => 'KH', 'CMR' => 'CM', 'CAN' => 'CA', 'CPV' => 'CV', 'CYM' => 'KY', 'CAF' => 'CF', 'TCD' => 'TD', 'CHL' => 'CL', 'CHN' => 'CN', 'CXR' => 'CX', 'CCK' => 'CC', 'COL' => 'CO', 'COM' => 'KM', 'COD' => 'CD', 'COG' => 'CG', 'COK' => 'CK', 'CRI' => 'CR', 'CIV' => 'CI', 'CUB' => 'CU', 'CYP' => 'CY', 'CZE' => 'CZ', 'DNK' => 'DK', 'DJI' => 'DJ', 'DMA' => 'DM', 'DOM' => 'DO', 'TLS' => 'TL', 'ECU' => 'EC', 'EGY' => 'EG', 'SLV' => 'SV', 'GNQ' => 'GQ', 'ERI' => 'ER', 'EST' => 'EE', 'ETH' => 'ET', 'FRO' => 'FO', 'FLK' => 'FK', 'FJI' => 'FJ', 'FIN' => 'FI', 'FRA' => 'FR', 'GUF' => 'GF', 'PYF' => 'PF', 'ATF' => 'TF', 'GAB' => 'GA', 'GMB' => 'GM', 'GEO' => 'GE', 'DEU' => 'DE', 'GHA' => 'GH', 'GIB' => 'GI', 'GRC' => 'GR', 'GRL' => 'GL', 'GRD' => 'GD', 'GLP' => 'GP', 'GUM' => 'GU', 'GTM' => 'GT', 'GIN' => 'GN', 'GNB' => 'GW', 'GUY' => 'GY', 'HTI' => 'HT', 'HMD' => 'HM', 'VAT' => 'VA', 'HND' => 'HN', 'HKG' => 'HK', 'HRV' => 'HR', 'HUN' => 'HU', 'ISL' => 'IS', 'IND' => 'IN', 'IDN' => 'ID', 'IRN' => 'IR', 'IRQ' => 'IQ', 'IRL' => 'IE', 'ISR' => 'IL', 'ITA' => 'IT', 'JAM' => 'JM', 'JPN' => 'JP', 'JOR' => 'JO', 'KAZ' => 'KZ', 'KEN' => 'KE', 'KIR' => 'KI', 'PRK' => 'KP', 'KOR' => 'KR', 'KWT' => 'KW', 'KGZ' => 'KG', 'LAO' => 'LA', 'LVA' => 'LV', 'LBN' => 'LB', 'LSO' => 'LS', 'LBR' => 'LR', 'LBY' => 'LY', 'LIE' => 'LI', 'LTU' => 'LT', 'LUX' => 'LU', 'MAC' => 'MO', 'MKD' => 'MK', 'MDG' => 'MG', 'MWI' => 'MW', 'MYS' => 'MY', 'MDV' => 'MV', 'MLI' => 'ML', 'MLT' => 'MT', 'MHL' => 'MH', 'MTQ' => 'MQ', 'MRT' => 'MR', 'MUS' => 'MU', 'MYT' => 'YT', 'MEX' => 'MX', 'FSM' => 'FM', 'MDA' => 'MD', 'MCO' => 'MC', 'MNG' => 'MN', 'MSR' => 'MS', 'MAR' => 'MA', 'MOZ' => 'MZ', 'MMR' => 'MM', 'NAM' => 'NA', 'NRU' => 'NR', 'NPL' => 'NP', 'ANT' => 'AN', 'NLD' => 'NL', 'NCL' => 'NC', 'NZL' => 'NZ', 'NIC' => 'NI', 'NER' => 'NE', 'NGA' => 'NG', 'NIU' => 'NU', 'NFK' => 'NF', 'MNP' => 'MP', 'NOR' => 'NO', 'OMN' => 'OM', 'PAK' => 'PK', 'PLW' => 'PW', 'PSE' => 'PS', 'PAN' => 'PA', 'PNG' => 'PG', 'PRY' => 'PY', 'PER' => 'PE', 'PHL' => 'PH', 'PCN' => 'PN', 'POL' => 'PL', 'PRT' => 'PT', 'PRI' => 'PR', 'QAT' => 'QA', 'REU' => 'RE', 'ROU' => 'RO', 'RUS' => 'RU', 'RWA' => 'RW', 'SHN' => 'SH', 'KNA' => 'KN', 'LCA' => 'LC', 'SPM' => 'PM', 'VCT' => 'VC', 'WSM' => 'WS', 'SMR' => 'SM', 'STP' => 'ST', 'SAU' => 'SA', 'SEN' => 'SN', 'SYC' => 'SC', 'SLE' => 'SL', 'SGP' => 'SG', 'SVK' => 'SK', 'SVN' => 'SI', 'SLB' => 'SB', 'SOM' => 'SO', 'ZAF' => 'ZA', 'SGS' => 'GS', 'ESP' => 'ES', 'LKA' => 'LK', 'SDN' => 'SD', 'SUR' => 'SR', 'SJM' => 'SJ', 'SWZ' => 'SZ', 'SWE' => 'SE', 'CHE' => 'CH', 'SYR' => 'SY', 'TWN' => 'TW', 'TJK' => 'TJ', 'TZA' => 'TZ', 'THA' => 'TH', 'TGO' => 'TG', 'TKL' => 'TK', 'TON' => 'TO', 'TTO' => 'TT', 'TUN' => 'TN', 'TUR' => 'TR', 'TKM' => 'TM', 'TCA' => 'TC', 'TUV' => 'TV', 'VIR' => 'VI', 'UGA' => 'UG', 'UKR' => 'UA', 'ARE' => 'AE', 'GBR' => 'GB', 'UMI' => 'UM', 'USA' => 'US', 'URY' => 'UY', 'UZB' => 'UZ', 'VUT' => 'VU', 'VEN' => 'VE', 'VNM' => 'VN', 'WLF' => 'WF', 'ESH' => 'EH', 'YEM' => 'YE', 'YUG' => 'YU', 'ZMB' => 'ZM', 'ZWE' => 'ZW', ); function print_ISOSelectOptions($array, $reverse, $checked) { while(list($key, $value) = each($array)) { $CHECKED=""; if($reverse) { if($key == $checked) $CHECKED = "SELECTED"; $output .= ""; } else { if($value == $checked) $CHECKED = "SELECTED"; $output .= ""; } } print $output; } function ISO3166GetFullName($code) { global $ISO3166TwoToName, $ISO3166NumberToTwo, $ISO3166ThreeToTwo; if(strlen($code) == 2) { return($ISO3166TwoToName[$code]); } else if( strlen($code) == 3) { if(is_numeric($code)) return($ISO3166TwoToName[$ISO3166NumberToTwo[$code]]); else return($ISO3166TwoToName[$ISO3166ThreeToTwo[$code]]); } else if( strlen($code) > 3) { return($code); } else return(""); } function ISO3166GetNumeric($code) { global $ISO3166TwoToName, $ISO3166TwoToNumber, $ISO3166ThreeToTwo, $ISO3166NameToTwo; if(strlen($code) == 2) { return($ISO3166TwoToNumber[$code]); } else if( strlen($code) == 3) { if(is_numeric($code)) return($code); else return($ISO3166TwoToNumber[$ISO3166ThreeToTwo[$code]]); } else if( strlen($code) > 3) { return($ISO3166TwoToNumber[$ISO3166NameToTwo[$code]]); } else return(""); } function ISO3166GetTwo($code) { global $ISO3166TwoToName, $ISO3166NumberToTwo, $ISO3166ThreeToTwo, $ISO3166NameToTwo; if(strlen($code) == 2) { return($code); } else if( strlen($code) == 3) { if(is_numeric($code)) { return($ISO3166NumberToTwo[$code]); }else return($ISO3166ThreeToTwo[$code]); } else if( strlen($code) > 3) { return($ISO3166NameToTwo[$code]); } else return(""); } ?> 'Alabama', 'AZ' => 'Arizona', 'AR' => 'Arkansas', 'CA' => 'California', 'CO' => 'Colorado', 'CT' => 'Connecticut', 'DE' => 'Delaware', 'DC' => 'District of Columbia', 'FL' => 'Florida', 'GA' => 'Georgia', 'ID' => 'Idaho', 'IL' => 'Illinois', 'IN' => 'Indiana', 'IA' => 'Iowa', 'KS' => 'Kansas', 'KY' => 'Kentucky', 'LA' => 'Louisiana', 'ME' => 'Maine', 'MD' => 'Maryland', 'MA' => 'Massachusetts', 'MI' => 'Michigan', 'MN' => 'Minnesota', 'MS' => 'Mississippi', 'MO' => 'Missouri', 'MT' => 'Montana', 'NE' => 'Nebraska', 'NV' => 'Nevada', 'NH' => 'New Hampshire', 'NJ' => 'New Jersey', 'NM' => 'New Mexico', 'NY' => 'New York', 'NC' => 'North Carolina', 'ND' => 'North Dakota', 'OH' => 'Ohio', 'OK' => 'Oklahoma', 'OR' => 'Oregon', 'PA' => 'Pennsylvania', 'RI' => 'Rhode Island', 'SC' => 'South Carolina', 'SD' => 'South Dakota', 'TN' => 'Tennessee', 'TX' => 'Texas', 'UT' => 'Utah', 'VT' => 'Vermont', 'VA' => 'Virginia', 'WA' => 'Washington', 'WV' => 'West Virginia', 'WI' => 'Wisconsin', 'WY' => 'Wyoming', ); function printStateDropdown($sel='') { global $StateProvinceTwoToFull; $output = ""; while(list($abbreviation, $name) = each($StateProvinceTwoToFull)) { $output .= ""; } reset($StateProvinceTwoToFull); return($output); } function StateProvinceGetFullName($code) { global $StateProvinceTwoToFull; if(strlen($code) == 2) { return($StateProvinceTwoToFull[$code]); } else if( strlen($code) > 2) { return($code); } else return(""); } ?> '*SPECIAL* Featured Store Package - $199.95', 'Featured Store Package w/Full Page Ad 349.95' => 'Featured Store Package w/Full Page Ad - $349.95', 'Full Page Ad 150.00' => 'Full Page Specials or Coupon Advertisements - $150.00', 'Banner Ad - $149.95' => 'Banner Ad / six months - $149.95', 'Banner Ad w/Full Page Ad 299.95' => 'Banner Ad / six months w/Full Page Ad - $299.95', 'All Realestate Mall Listing 99.95' => 'All Realestate Mall Listing - $99.95', 'All Realestate Mall w/Full Page Ad 249.95' => 'All Realestate Mall w/Full Page Ad - $249.95', 'USA Vanity Plates 6 mo. Banner 149.95' => 'USA Vanity Plates 6 mo. Banner - $149.95', 'USA Vanity Plates 1 year Banner 249.95' => 'USA Vanity Plates 1 year Banner - $249.95', ); function printServicesDropdown($sel='') { global $VrmServices; $output = ""; while(list($abbreviation, $name) = each($VrmServices)) { $output .= ""; } reset($VrmServices); return($output); } $VrmServicesSp = array( 'Featured Store Package - Special Offer $199.95' => 'Featured Store Package Special Offer - $199.95', 'Featured Store Package w/Full Page Ad - $349.95' => 'Featured Store Package w/Full Page Ad - $349.95', ); function printServicesDropdownSp($sel='') { global $VrmServicesSp; $output = ""; while(list($abbreviation, $name) = each($VrmServicesSp)) { $output .= ""; } reset($VrmServicesSp); return($output); } $VrmServicesDl = array( 'Six Month Website Link - $30.00' => 'Six Month Website Link - $30.00', 'Full Year Website Link - $50.00' => 'Full Year Website Link - $50.00', ); function printServicesDropdownDl($sel='') { global $VrmServicesDl; $output = ""; while(list($abbreviation, $name) = each($VrmServicesDl)) { $output .= ""; } reset($VrmServicesDl); return($output); } ?> MetroMalls.com Special Offer Order Form
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